Backyards stand witness to many family milestones. What better place to celebrate a graduation. Here are some tips to help prepare your outdoor space and create an environment the guests and guest of honor will appreciate.
All the better for Basil
There are many aromatic and flavorful herbs to choose from, but the perfect garden herb may very well be basil. Here’s a few tips on an easy-to-grow, compact, garden favorite.
Taking a great backyard photo
The backyard is home to many memories worthy of reaching for the camera or smartphone. Here are a few tips to help improve the odds of capturing a photo worthy of printing and display.
Croquet, a game worthy of a second look
Lost in the seas of modern yard games, Croquet is a treasure waiting to be rediscovered by the masses. Despite its sedate appearance, croquet can be a spirited and challenging game enjoyed by all ages.
Bring outside in with garden bouquets
9 tips from the pro’s help you create and maintain a beautiful cut flower bouquet. Flowerbeds bursting with blossoms can spare a few buds. Learn how to harvest your garden and create long-lasting arrangements.